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Full Force 2019: June 28th - June 30th

Autorenbild: Eddy KorbyEddy Korby

Location: Ferropolis / Ferropolisstraße 1 06773 Gräfenhainichen, Germany

Alcest, Amenra, Amorphis, Animals As Leaders, Annisokay, Any Given Day, Arch Enemy, At The Gates, Bad Omens, Batushka, Beartooth, Behemoth, Billybio, Black Peaks, Bleeding Through, Bury Tomorrow, Cane Hill, Cannibal Corpse, Carach Angren, Crowbar, Crystal Lake, Drug Church, Flogging Molly, Gutalax, Harakiri For The Sky, Harm`s Way, Ignite, Infected Rain, Jinjer, Kadavar, Knorkator, Lamb Of God, Landmvrks, Limp Bizkit, Malevolence, Mambo Kurt, Mantar, Massendefekt, Municipal Waste, Napalm Death, Orange Goblin, Our Last Night, Perturbator, Parkway Drive, Polaris, Power Trip, Sick Of It All, Smoke Blow, Sondaschule, Terror, TesseracT, The Amity Affliction, The Ocean, To The Rats and Wolves, Turnstile, Ultha, While She Sleeps, Whitechapel, Wolfheart, Walking Dead On Broadway, Zeal & Ardor

Tickets available here:


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